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NOAA releases new hurricane outlook, and it’s not good

NOAA just updated their outlook for the 2019 hurricane season and they say conditions are now favorable for an above-normal season. Hurricane season runs through November 30.

They cite that since El Nino has ended, we should be seeing activity pick up as we move on into August, September, and October. Activity normally peaks around the middle of August through the end of October.

This outlook, released today, now increases the likelihood of an above-normal season from 30% to 45%.

For more information, please see the entire article at

NASA handout photo of a view of Hurricane Florence shown churning in the Atlantic Ocean in a west, north-westerly direction heading for the eastern coastline of the United States

2 thoughts on “NOAA releases new hurricane outlook, and it’s not good

  1. As much faith as I have in forecasts….(said with a grin) My own base on this is that the US will experience 3-4 actual hurricanes….2 of which will be Cat#3 or above……

  2. We’ll just have to test ya, Tim (haha). Come December, we’ll know who’s right and wrong! lol

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